Care House Partnerships

We love highlighting different businesses or organizations that are making a difference here in our community. And Care House Partnerships is doing just that. Under the leadership of Nampa First Church of the Nazarene, Care House Partnerships is a nonprofit organization with different services for those in the Nampa community. Starting out as Care Closest back in 1955, providing families in need with basic essentials, Care House Partnerships has grown into what it is today, offering a wide variety of programs to those in need in Nampa. Read more about these programs below!

Food Bank: “Serves our neighbors by focusing on food, prayer, and fellowship. Supported by your donations on Dollar Sunday, we feed over 150 families each week.”

Celebrate Recovery: “A Christ-centered recovery ministry which utilizes large-group teaching services, small group sharing times, and 12-step study groups to help people experience victory and freedom over their hurt, habits, and hang ups.”

Health Services: “Presently in partnership with St. Alphonsus Hospital and Terry Reilly Medical Services to provide quarterly health clinics here at Nampa First Church and is developing a health services clinic partnership with NNU’s nursing program for our uninsured neighbors.”

Counseling, Mental Health and Relational: “Provides training in Prepare/Enrich Marriage Counseling and parenting with Love and Logic while also developing a counseling clinic in partnership with NNU’s counseling program for our uninsured neighbors..”

Foster Adoptive Family Circle: “An encouragement and advocacy group for those families who love on foster children, have adopted children, and those who support families who care for foster children.”

After-School Kids (ASK)Tutoring: “A partnership with Central Elementary School to give academic tutoring and holistic support to help students excel in their academic and relational opportunities.”

If you know someone who can benefit from any of these services or if you’d like to support their mission, please visit You can also find them on Facebook at “Care House Partnerships” or on Instagram “@carehousepartners.”