
2021 Upcoming Tennis Shoe Drive

July 14, 2021

It’s that time again! Ever summer, Peterson and Associates in partnership with the Nampa Association of Realtors host a tennis shoe drive to help meet the needs of young kids right here in our community. We collect gently used or new tennis shoes along with other essentials items such as socks, laundry detergent, dish soap, hand sanitizer, kleenex, ziploc bags and snacks. We also take donations for those who want to give financially which enables us to buy as many supplies as we can. After we are done collecting and sorting through all of the items we received and purchased, we then donate them to the Nampa School District’s, Family Community Resource Coordinator, Mari Ramos. She works closely with the kids in our community and knows their needs best.

We are collecting now until August 4th, 2021. If this is something you are interested in and you would like to partner with us by donating any of the items listed above or give financially, you can do so by calling Julie Skogsberg at (208) 989-1861 or email us at